The raising TSH upper bound and lowering acceptable body temp thing being delusional is very true. Most medical professionals I’ve talked to see the lowering of body temp as either benign or positive.

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I just love your posts—grounded in esoteric empirical data, profoundly philosophical, and exceptionally well-written!

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Sep 24Liked by T3Uncoupled

> The average body temperature has decreased by 0.03°C per decade since the Industrial Revolution, or roughly for the last 150 years. This totals to an approximate decrease of 0.59°C, bringing the average from 37°C or 98.6°F, to 36.6°C or 98°F (Protsiv et al., 2020).

Hey T3, I think you mean "decrease of 0.4°C" (depending on how or how much you want to round). The −0.59°C figure is just for men.

Thank you for the article.

(Reply typed while roosting in front of 250W chicken lamp.)

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Sep 24Liked by T3Uncoupled

Banger stuff. You bringing up the 'Rate of Living' hypothesis reminds me of this fantasy book series called Runelords. Its magic system allows individuals to gift their capabilities to others, letting some people have twice the strength, three times the beauty etc at the expense of the giver losing that charasteristic for themselves. Some warriors are gifted metabolism, meaning that they were very fast, very warm, very cognisant but they aged quicker, went bald faster, joints wore out sooner. I put the book down, it was antithetical to lived experience.

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Does a lot of this have to do with the fact that we live in houses with A/C and spend all day at the office, instead of having to feel the rhythms of nature? Where I live, I try to go out almost every day and feel whatever the season brings – heat, humidity, searing wind, etc. And also do some manual labor outside. That seems to be important to increasing and properly regulating metabolism.

I wonder to what degree some of this is due to climate change, too. Generally hotter (i.e., ice caps melting) and more volatile weather patterns and what-not causing metabolic dysfunction.

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Sep 25Liked by T3Uncoupled

This is spot on with what I've noticed. I'm generally very warm and as a woman it's worrying that others think I'm the odd one out as women are always cold. Could this general trend in women especially be from excess estrogen and hormonal imbalances?? I always thought it can't be healthy that all these women are freezing cold, intuitively bad for fertility and just... vitality. I wonder how PCOS and coils and the pill for example affects this

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Both the pill and SSRIs lower body temperature by switching to oxidizing fat instead of glucose. Warm baths are very popular with women!

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Sep 24Liked by T3Uncoupled

Magnificent!!! Thank you.

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Sep 24Liked by T3Uncoupled

Remarkable conclusion

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Things are definitely heating up on this post! Nice work T3! I recently put my hand on my mother in laws back who has had spinal problems ever since her doctor told her to go vegetarian! Bones had to be filled with glue they were so weak and painful. When I put my hand on her back at dinner one evening she just practically jumped with an electric jolt saying OH! Your hand is so warm she declared! And she turned around so I could just keep my hand on her middle back. She was just melting and could not believe how warm my hand was. People really need to be spreading the warmth! Don’t just hog all that heat! Hold a cat or a baby or someone’s hand or snuggle up! Spread the heat!!! ❤️🔥🔥

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