Jun 25Liked by T3Uncoupled

Once Tolstoy, the Russian author wrote that the more intelligent someone is, the more they can see and bring out kindness in others.

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Jun 26Liked by T3Uncoupled

> Ray stated that the olfactory system is closely connected to our highest and best conceptual work.

Explainable anatomically: Sense of smell is carried on CN1 to the higher brain centers directly, bypassing the thalamus, the "great judge".


from abstract of "Brain and odor: 1. Alteration of human EEG by odor administration"


"The three odorants [lavender, eucalyptus, spiced apple] produced consistently different patterns of EEG theta activity and self-reports. These results suggest that odor administration is a reliable variable in manipulating neurophysiological response systems and may be influential in affecting human performance and mood."

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Jun 25Liked by T3Uncoupled

I’m gonna chew on this one a bit!

Thanks for writing cool stuff!

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Jun 25Liked by T3Uncoupled

I do not fully agree with the idea that fiber lowers intelligence, despite the existence of studies supporting this notion. When we consider the historical diets of great minds and composers like Mozart, Beethoven, and Franz Liszt, they consumed foods typical of their time, including fiber. These individuals were among the greatest minds in history, suggesting that the relationship between fiber intake and intelligence may be more complex than simply labeling it as a causative factor for lower intelligence.

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Agreed. I think it's one factor (that's sometimes overlooked), and the complexity of intelligence is such that it warrants taking into account things like the adequacy of pre and postnatal life, nutrition, and stimulation/novelty.

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Jun 25Liked by T3Uncoupled

Very engaging, thank you! When an individual has adequate nutrient and caloric intake, as well as normal cholesterol levels, what could be causing excess hair shedding when administering the lowest amount of T3 (0.5-1 mcg) per hour, along with food?

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Jun 25Liked by T3Uncoupled

Am i supposed to take the term peatard literally...

As in reading peats stuff and applying it is for moderate dumbasses?

Have seen a good number of health people online who like/love peat but loathe peat fans 😂

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I find the term weirdly endearing.

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The stress hormones can artificially keep the metabolic rate up (adrenaline grows the hair, but cortisol causes it to atrophy), and so taking a little T3 can lower them, exposing the low metabolic state. Having more T3 and exploring things like progesterone, vitamin D etc to raise the temperature and pulse (98.6F, 85bpm) is where I'd focus.

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Jun 26Liked by T3Uncoupled

I'd add to the mix red light since it is the surest way to reduce NO, which effects of flushing and sense of warmth can be confused for a "hypermetabolic" state.

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Jun 26·edited Jun 26

I read about the 83 West Bank fainting epidemic. What the unofficial story behind it ?

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