Jun 11Liked by T3Uncoupled

Thanks for the article! When I first started with Stressnon Pregnenalone I didn’t really know what to do with it. But I knew Ray had said something like, it would be in his deserted island dap kit. So anyway I tried it here I tried it there then got bored with it. But being a frugal Nebraskan I was determined to use it up. So I started using 8 drops maybe 16mg idk, on my scalp. Just where my hair parts. Didn’t notice anything immediately but after a week I started to notice I didn’t have any dandruff. I did not believe it and just ignored it. But I have had brutal dandruff my whole adult life. I have insanely thick hair and my scalp just can’t breathe. I’ll leave it at that. After a couple weeks with the 6-8 drops of Pregnenalone daily, very very little dandruff. Remarkable! My wife is blown away cuz she’s always noticed my insane dandruff with love of coarse. She is impressed and now uses Pregnenalone dhea on her face every night before bed. I have to check all the time that she’s not going crazy with it because she isn’t familiar with dhea overdosing issues. More has got to be better is her approach! Ha!

Thanks again for the great work!

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Thank you for reading, Dapose. I find that either people are extremely impressed with pregnenolone, or feel nothing from it. Glad you were in the former.

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Sep 11Liked by T3Uncoupled

Hey T3--my gf is currently taking progesterone (and bovine thyroid extract) according to the guidelines of Peat's site for hypothyroidism, starting with day 14 of her cycle.

She has the quirky side effects of tremendous mood swings and an absurd task orientation where she's extremely productive and obsessed with work.

These sounds like estrogen existing the tissues into the bloodstream causing extra estrogen dominance effects...

I think in this case I'm supposed to *up* the progesterone dose to counteract *that.*

Any ideas or opinions on this?

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Thyroid extracts vary greatly in their potency and the amount of thyroid hormones that they contain. How are her temperature and pulse? Yeah, when thyroid function is low or when the liver is overburdened, excreting the estrogen exiting the tissues can be impaired and so all it does it create the estrogenic symptoms you describe. The right dose of progesterone is different, usually the amount that effectively relieves the estrogen symptoms.

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Jun 13Liked by T3Uncoupled

> It is important to note here that estrogen also works to smooth out wrinkles and is commonly used >as a topical cream for this purpose, however, it does this by drawing water into the local tissues >(edema) and waterlogging them, which stretches and fills out the wrinkles.

"In addition, sex hormones influence haemodynamics. Oestradiol leads to systemic arterial vasodilata-

tion with reduced peripheric resistance and raises capillary permeability. Progesterone induces venous dilatation and reduces blood flow velocity. 14,15 High oestradiol levels in the mid-cycle and the luteal phase, which accompany high progesterone levels, are able to induce a watershift from the intravasal to the extravasal compartment."

[The influence of female sex hormones on skin thickness: evaluation using 20 MHz sonography]


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Jun 11Liked by T3Uncoupled

Thank you for the brilliant article! Since I am NOT menopausal, does this mean that I could only use progesterone (for cosmetic purposes) during the second half of my cycle? What about pregnenolone? Thank you for your time.

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Yes, it's important to use progesterone (even if topically) during the luteal phase (14-28 days). There are mixed opinions about pregnenolone use causing issues when taken during the follicular phase (by increasing progesterone), but I suppose a little experimentation wouldn't hurt! I'm glad you liked the article, Emilia.

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Jun 10Liked by T3Uncoupled

do you think Peat's Progest-E could have a usecase here? https://www.longnaturalhealth.com/Dr-Peats-Progest-E-Complex-34-ml

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Yes. It absorbs close to 100% orally, but 10-15% topically (when applied on top of some olive oil).

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Jun 10Liked by T3Uncoupled

Nice! Does oral absorption work only orally (like positive effects from ingestion) or would it also promote skin benefits? Wouldn't want to accidentally "double up" the dose by both eating it and rubbing it on face.... Unless they're unrelated :)

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Taking it orally should have systemic effects, both on the skin and the other organs. When I applied pregnenolone to the inside of my wrists, for example, I felt it's effect both in the brain and the face.

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